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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Gate Globe Swing Check Valves Bottom Mounted Flush Valves

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Gate, Globe and Check Valves
Manufacturing Facilities:

State-of-the art production facilities in Kundaim, Goa and in Pune, Maharashtra; spread over a lakh of sq. feet in aggregate
I SO, 9001-2008 certified operations.
Facility accredited under CE marking, ASME, U,PP and R Stamps as well as PED.
Facility and products approved by Global Engineering Consultants and Contracting companies.
Well-equipped testing and inspection facilities.
World class finishing and packagind processes
Well documented and appropriately preserved inventories.
And above all competent and caring human resources.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Systems (Aaqms), Analyzer Shelter, Ball Valves, Btu Chromatograph, Butterfly Valves, Closed Sampling System, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (Cems), Control Valves, Desuperheaters, Displacer Level Transmitter, Displacer Operated Level Switch, Dust Monitors, Electronic Level Gauges, Electronic Transmitter, Flame And Gas Detection Systems (Gds), Flanged Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves, Float Operated Level Switch, Floating Ball Valve, Flow Metering, Forged Steel Valves, Gas Metering Systems, Gate Globe Swing Check Valves Bottom Mounted Flush Valves, Gate Valves, Globe Valves, Level Instruments, Level Switches, Mechanical Products, Metal Seated Valves, Metal Tube Rotameters, Metering Skids For Gases And Liquids, Needle Valves, Non Return Valves, Online Moisture Analyzer, Online Total Sulphur Analyzer, Oxygen Analyzer And Sensor, Plug Valves, Power Distribution Network Management, Power Grid Network Management, Prds And Dumpprds, Process Analytics, Process Analyzer Systems, Process Gas Chromatograph, Process Mass Spectrometer, Products, Rotameter, Rtus And Frtus For Substations And Rmus, Scada Monitoring And Control, Steam And Water Analysis, Temperature, Transmitter, Transparent Level Gauge, Triple Offset Butterfly Valves, Turbine Bypass Valves, Valves Mfgrs. And Dealers